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Implementation of Waterplan plays a significant role in The Nature Conservancy’s Success.

Implementation of Waterplan plays a significant role in The Nature Conservancy’s Success.

Implementation of Waterplan plays a significant role in The Nature Conservancy’s Success.

The introduction of the Waterplan platform brought a game-changing upgrade to measuring the performance of our replenishment activities. We can now continuously measure the benefits we get from our Nature Based Solutions development and detect tendencies associated with the different basins’ risks

The introduction of the Waterplan platform brought a game-changing upgrade to measuring the performance of our replenishment activities. We can now continuously measure the benefits we get from our Nature Based Solutions development and detect tendencies associated with the different basins’ risks

The introduction of the Waterplan platform brought a game-changing upgrade to measuring the performance of our replenishment activities. We can now continuously measure the benefits we get from our Nature Based Solutions development and detect tendencies associated with the different basins’ risks

Rocío Sánchez

Freshwater Applied Scientist, The Nature Conservancy.

The challenge

Lack of precision in estimating Volumetric Water Benefits affects funding

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) relies heavily on donations to support its conservation efforts worldwide. Needless to say, it becomes easier for the organization to instill confidence in donors and secure funding when it can communicate the progress of its initiatives using reliable data.

However, currently used methods for estimating Volumetric Water Benefits (VWBs) and interventions’ impact of nature-based solutions are outdated, manual, and imprecise. It made it difficult for TNC to measure the effectiveness of its initiatives in a scalable and data-driven manner. The imprecise nature of data has a significant impact on the ability of TNC to obtain funding. Thus, there was a need to adopt a reliable approach for gathering data that can be trusted and confidently communicated to its stakeholders.

The challenge

Lack of precision in estimating Volumetric Water Benefits affects funding

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) relies heavily on donations to support its conservation efforts worldwide. Needless to say, it becomes easier for the organization to instill confidence in donors and secure funding when it can communicate the progress of its initiatives using reliable data.

However, currently used methods for estimating Volumetric Water Benefits (VWBs) and interventions’ impact of nature-based solutions are outdated, manual, and imprecise. It made it difficult for TNC to measure the effectiveness of its initiatives in a scalable and data-driven manner. The imprecise nature of data has a significant impact on the ability of TNC to obtain funding. Thus, there was a need to adopt a reliable approach for gathering data that can be trusted and confidently communicated to its stakeholders.

The solution

Tapping Waterplan for dependable data

Funding Partners, at their core, want two things: One, that conservancy projects are getting implemented successfully, And two, to be sure that the data being presented accurately represents the progress.

By utilizing Waterplan, TNC is able to monitor in real-time the progress of nature-based solution activities initiated by local Water Funds and track the associated Volumetric Water Benefits (VWB) of replenishment projects every month. The organization can now obtain comprehensive insights and informative visuals on the impact of various projects.


Continuously monitor impact

Easy-to-understand dashboards help all stakeholders understand the effectiveness of TNC’s water conservation initiatives and in overseeing their project lineup. The organization can now create comprehensive reports for its financial backers, illustrating the beneficial environmental and social effects of their conservation efforts.

  1. Real-time water usage tracking

Ongoing surveillance of the physical, infrastructure, regulatory, and reputational risks to determine whether they have materialized or new risks have emerged. Hydrometeorology information, including daily precipitations for the last 30 years.

  1. Hydrometeorology

Provision of information regarding the weather conditions that affected the analyzed areas over the last 30 years. Historical values of daily precipitation and temperature are provided and updated monthly.

  1. Project Management

Planning & implementing all water conservation projects and tracking their progress in one centralized location.

  1. Reporting & Analytics

Measuring the impact of water conservation projects using monthly progress reports created at the click of a button. These reports can be easily shared with internal and external stakeholders, thus building confidence in the organization’s ability to execute.


Increased transparency by using Waterplan results in more funding

12x Increased accuracy monitoring impact

While traditional procedures rely on a sole calculation per year to assess the VWB, the Waterplan platform allows users to understand the VWB generated month by month.

10x Fewer resources are spent munging data.

Thanks to Waterplan, TNC no longer has to spend its valuable time and resources grappling with intricate data sets or questioning the reliability of their data. Waterplan provides the highest-resolution water data that is continuously updated.

20x Time-saving in estimating Volumetric Water Benefit

Adopting the Waterplan tool implied a large reduction in the time spent for VWB calculations. TNC now uses Waterplan to identify areas where conservation and restoration efforts can be implemented, track the progress of these initiatives, and measure the actual impact of these efforts.

About the company

In brief

The Nature Conservancy is a worldwide environmental organization with branches in 79 countries. It is a public-private partnership that invests in the conservation and restoration of watersheds to ensure a sustainable water supply for communities, agriculture, and industry.

One of its primary freshwater goals is to preserve 1 million kilometers of rivers and 30 million hectares of wetlands and lakes. To meet this ambitious goal, it needed a revolutionary approach to assessing the effectiveness of its replenishment activities.

  • How would you describe Waterplan to a friend?: We use Waterplan’s highly accurate monitoring and analysis of data to enhance our mission.

  • Benefits of using Waterplan: “The introduction of the Waterplan platform brought a game-changing upgrade to measuring the performance of our replenishment activities. We can now continuously measure the benefits we get from our Nature Based Solutions development and detect tendencies associated with the different basins’ risks”

    - Rocío Sánchez - Freshwater Applied Scientist, The Nature Conservancy.

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